At the moment the sleeper stirs and writhes ...
"We have nearly passed that point whereby consciousness will come as a relief" - The Mechanical Bride, p 128 (1951)
As McLuhan notes in the “Typhon in America,” the great mistake, of course, is to suppose that what went on physically in Birkenau does not go on psychologically in America and England. “Intellectually, spiritually and emotionally this is precisely what we have been doing for some decades.”91
There is no difference in result between our entertainment industry and Asian or Soviet brainwashing programs. Our revulsion at these is irrational as we have developed more complex and subtle ways of achieving the same end.92
Far from being a conscious conspiracy, this is a nightmare dream from which we would do well to awaken at once. Return again, Finnegan ... At the moment the sleeper stirs and writhes. It is nice to be enfolded in the comfort of the collective dream as long as it is greater than the pain. We have nearly passed that point whereby consciousness will come as a relief.93
from Andrew Chrystall’s New American Vortex_Exploartions Of McLuhan
see footnote 70 :
McLuhan’s “Typhon in America” is listed in the finding aid for the McLuhan collection in the sub-series for The Mechanical Bride and it is grouped with the two scripts titled “Guide to Chaos.” It appears the archivist made the choice on the grounds that Typhon is seen as the working notes for The Mechanical Bride. I believe the archivist to be mistaken here insofar as it is substantially different “book” with its own unity. The finding aid for collection offers an approximate date of 1949 for the scripts, yet the collections include essays written throughout the 1940s. “Typhon” is comprised of four handwritten manuscripts, and three typescripts. It should be noted that my references to “Typhon” refer to the typed scripts.
Brave New World rather than 1984.