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ShaRhyeeing here:

“Both politics and sex are theater; sex, said Talleyrand, is le theatre des pauvres. The penis is an actor; it does not actually attain regression to the maternal womb, it enacts the regression "partially or symbolically." The rest of the body "takes part in the regression hallucinatorily," as spectators, passively identifying with the action of their representative, their prince or principal part, the leading man. The penis is the head of the body, the band of brothers; the rest of the body is to the penis as chorus to tragic hero, hypocritically and from a safe distance enjoying the thrill of being spectators at their own execution. "The act of coitus is reminiscent of these melodramas in which, while there are of course dark clouds threatening all kinds of destruction, just as in real tragedy, there is always the feeling that 'everything will turn out all right.'"

“The drama enacted in the sex act is the ritual drama of divine kingship. Sex is le theatre des pauvres; every man a king; King Oedipus. "Coitus successfully performed is sovereignty.“

“The phallic personality and the receptive audience are in coitus; they do it together, when it comes off.”

[“dark clouds” over the East Coast]


“Since Sputnik put the globe in a ‘proscenium arch’, and the global village has been transformed into a global theater, the result, quite literally, is the use of public space for ‘doing one’s thing’. A planet parenthesized by a man-made environment no longer offers any directions or goals to nation or individual. The world itself has become a probe. ‘Snooping with intent to creep’ or ‘casing everybody else’s joint’ has become a major activity. As the main business of the world becomes espionage, secrecy becomes the basis of wealth, as with magic in a tribal society. Perhaps this is not the only latest form of cliché-probe but merely the largest and most perceptible.”

[Just commenting (probing (?) ), Steven Strogatz “Too much coupling” fits in with that.]


Boorstin also pointed out in The Image that a famous man is famous because he "is known for his well-knownness."

The universality of knowledge must itself be universally known in order to be effectively universal (that is to say, to act and constrain, to be a subject).

It is the reflection of universality into itself: the universality of an item of knowledge must itself be universally known to become effectively -as Hegel would say- universal, that is to say to become substance. Beautiful, isn't it? The universal does not become effectively universal until it knows that it is.

Publicity is none other than the universal notoriety of a situation, that is to say the reflection of a situation into itself. It is the situation itself that is public, universal knowledge.

To extrapolate: the world is knowledge; the world is of public notoriety.

All ends up happening. I suppose that this is what Durkheim called "to examine, someday in the future, things from within." These concrete totalities possess considerable power-"the pure negativity of the reflection of the essence into itself, or the power of substance". This is the reason why people passively obey.

In this sense, and in this sense only, it is indeed a society of emptiness. What is a pseudo-event? It is a situation that consists in its sole notoriety (Might makes Right). Not being limited by any other content, as are usual situations, it can be universal. As Hegel would say, it is a situation that is no situation, that is to say an appearance of a situation. Such a situation consists in its appearance, yet it never appears. How can a situation consist in its appearance without appearing? That is interesting.

In the pseudo-event the only event is its diffusion. However, this diffusion is no less a real event , although we never see it (like the antipodal bomber, it is invisible). As such, the pseudo-event is the false that has become real, the false that accesses reality .  It is this reality of the false that allows the amplification of an authentic event . This is how virtualism exacerbates reality, because of its extraordinary power (beautiful as a Z-machine). There is universal knowledge of the universality of its diffusion.  This universal knowledge of the universality of its diffusion becomes the prodigious amplifier of an authentic event; there is universal knowledge of the universality of the knowledge  of an act that has provoked the enthusiasm of billions of individuals throughout the world. Billions of individuals see their prayers answered (as Baudrillard immediately noted): this world is judged. "Celebrity is a person known for being well-known" is "the pseudo-human event", most often devoid of any quality.


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